
موقع التقني إنترنت،مجاني،تطبيقات،ألعاب


آخر المواضيع

الأربعاء، 7 فبراير 2018

Puffin Browser Pro سارع بتحميل اخر نسخة لافضل واسرع متصفح إنترنت

السَلٱمٌ عـَلـْيگمّ-ۈرحـْمّـٌة ٱللـّہ ﯙبُرگـّاتہ 

اقدم لكم تطبيق متصفح الانترنت. puffin browser pro الغني عن التعريف بالنسخة المدفوعة الإحترافية
ما يميز التطبيق عن باقي المتصفحات اولا يفتح الصفحات مثل الكمبيوتر تماما
ثانيا سريع جدااا بالتصفح ويفتح الصفحات ك لمح البصر
ثالثا يوجد به مشغل فلاش لفتح ألعاب الفلاش المنتشرة بالإنترنت كل ما عليكم البحث عن هذه الألعاب بكتابة ألعاب فلاش ببحث جوجل
يحتوي ايضا على ازرار مثل مسكة التحكم بالألعاب
والكثييير من الميزات اكتشفوها بأنفسكم
حمل التطبيق.       من هناااااا


Puffin Browser Pro 

Puffin Web Browser is a wicked fast Mobile Flash Browser. Once users experience the thrill of using Puffin, regular Mobile Internet just feels like torture.
Wicked Fast: Puffin speeds up mobile browsing by shifting the workload from the resource-limited devices to the cloud servers, and resource-demanding webpages can run super-fast on your phones or tablets.
Cloud Protection: All traffic from Puffin app to Puffin server are encrypted, a protection from nearby hackers. It’s safe to use public non-secure WiFi through Puffin, but not safe at all for most browsers.
The Latest Flash: We keep improving our cloud servers, and provide the latest version (16.0) of the Flash player over the cloud.
Save your bandwidth: Puffin uses proprietary compression algorithm to transmit web data to your device, and it can save up to 90% of your bandwidth on regular web browsing. (Please be noted that streaming Flash content or videos requires more bandwidth than the normal usage.)
☆ Incredible page load and rendering speed
☆ Adobe Flash support (also works on Android 4.4+)
☆ Download to cloud (up to 1G per file)
☆ Theater mode for Flash videos and games
☆ Virtual trackpad and gamepad
☆ Add-on functions (Pocket, Evernote, Facebook, translator and more)
☆ Color theme for toolbar and sidebar
☆ Fastest JavaScript engine
☆ Full web experience (desktop and mobile view)
☆ Incognito tab: Auto-clean your browsing activities in the app
==== Limitations ====
* The data centers of Puffin Web Browser are in the US and the cloud servers can only access public web sites from US geolocations.
* For users outside the US, local contents, especially videos of local interest, may not be accessible from the US due to geo-restrictions in their home countries.
* Puffin is blocked in some countries (e.g., China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) and by some schools (e.g., in United States).
For more information, please check our FAQ: http://www.puffinbrowser.com/faq/


Thanks for using Puffin. We fixed several reported issues in this release (
* Fix app crashes and freezes.
* Fix couple minor issues.
Please try our new Puffin on Windows app and check our website for more information! We will continue to build awesome apps for you.

Download.    Mirror
Thanks All

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authorمرحبا، أسمي مستو الحلبي وهذه مدونتي أسعى دائما لأقدم لكم أفضل المواضيع الخاصة بالتكنلوجيا
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